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DuBois Area Drug Help


The substance abuse problems in our country are devastating communities. Our community is no exception.

These web pages are here to help you find the help you need wether you are just looking for information or trying to get help for yourself or someone you love.

Who Needs Help?


[su_row][su_column size=”1/4″][su_button url=”” background=”#f4b04f” size=”4″ center=”yes” radius=”round” desc=”MYSELF”]MYSELF[/su_button][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/4″][su_button url=”” background=”#f4b04f” size=”4″ center=”yes” radius=”round” desc=”MY CHILD”]MY CHILD[/su_button][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/4″][su_button url=”” background=”#f4b04f” size=”4″ center=”yes” radius=”round” desc=”MY PARENT”]MY PARENT[/su_button][/su_column] [su_column size=”1/4″][su_button url=”” background=”#f4b04f” size=”4″ center=”yes” radius=”round” desc=”MY FRIEND”]MY FRIEND[/su_button][/su_column][/su_row]

Local Organizations Here To Help


Clearfield-Jefferson Drug and Alcohol Commission


Cen-Clear Child Services, Drug and Alcohol Services


Clearfield-Jefferson Community Mental Health Center
