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Marty McMillen
Marty McMillen
2:00pm - 7:00pm

Happy Birthday, January 17th

Happy Birthday!!!Raven Moon - Love, Raven Moon's Oracle and your Sunny 106 familyRon Blose, 66 - Love, DebbieMarissa Rigatti - Love, Britt, everyone at Sunny 106 and all of your friends and familyVincent "Chad" Barnard - Love, Katie and ShastaRon Williams, 53 - Love,...

Morning Trivia, January 17th

Which movie at the 2017 Academy Awards was originally named the Best Picture winner instead of Moonlight due to an error with the winning envelope? Answer...La La Land! Congrats to Georgeanne of Brockway who wins a small Arctic Swirl to the Meadow's Frozen Custard in DuBois!

Happy Birthday, December 17th

Happy Birthday!!! Jessica Waddell--From, Penn Highlands Outpatient TherapyJessica Neeper-29-From, Clearfield Elementary School Congrats to Jessica Waddell, winner of a breakfast sandwich from The Bobette Diner.

Morning Trivia, December 17th

In the popular Christmas song, who did the narrator see kissing Santa Claus under the mistletoe? Mommy Mrs. Claus The Head ElfAnswer: Mommy!Congrats to Heather Havrilesko of DuBois, winner of a small eggnog shake from The Meadow's!

Happy Birthday, Oct 17th

Happy Birthday!!!Lori Lewis--Love, family and friends Zayne Rhed--Love, family and friendsCongrats to Zayne, winner of a breakfast sandwich from The Bobette Diner!