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Happy Birthday, Feb 28-29th

Happy Birthday!!!Mark Fields--Love, Wife and Jenna, Patti, Bob, and the kids Devon Walker-24/6-Love, Mom and Dad Howard Cutler-54/14-Love, Britt, Jeremy, Kaylie, and PattyCongrats to Mark, winner of a breakfast sandwich from The...

Happy Birthday, Feb 21-23rd

Happy Birthday!!! Mel Correll--Love, your family and friends in Brockway Austin Mitchell-16-Love, Mom, Dad, and Kendra Pete Buck--From all your friends at The Foundry Alishia Lewis--From, David Condon Andrew Edinger-Love, your wife and family Janet Nelson-30-Love,...

Happy Birthday, Feb. 20th

Happy Birthday!!!Ashley Fisher-28-Love, Grandma Jean Kite--Love, familyCongrats to Ashley, winner of a breakfast sandwich from The Bobette Diner!

Happy Birthday, February 19th

Happy Birthday!!!Hannah Rehar-12-Love, family Gabe Bembenic-26-Love, Dad and the family Keisha Dillon-26-Love, GarretCongrats to Gabe, winner of a breakfast sandwich from The Bobette Diner!

Happy Birthday, February 18th

Happy Birthday!!!Charlie Johnson--Love, Your KMA Remarketing Family Pat White-60-Love, familyCongrats to Pat, winner of a breakfast sandwich from The Bobette Diner!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary, February 14th

Happy Birthday!!!Perry Winkler-Friends and fans of the Winkler Art Gallery Cora--Love, Mom and DadHappy Anniversary!!!Vivan and Charlie Madera-50th-Love, family and friends Mike and Toni Kulbacki-32nd-Love, family Sonya...

Happy Birthday, February 13th

Happy Birthday!!!Vera Place-53-Love, family Eric Bradford-Love, Mom, dad, Nana, and Papa Rikki Ross-From, your KMA Remarketing familyCongrats to Eric, winner of a breakfast sandwich from The Bobette Diner!

Happy Birthday, February 11th

Happy Birthday!!!Becky Yasick--Love, Diane Misti Bruner-28-From, your friends at the Reitz Theater and Clearfield CAST Theater Steve Cook--Love, BarbCongrats to Steve, winner of a breakfast sandwich from The Bobette Diner!