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Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
5:00am - 9:00am

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PA American Legion Baseball

American Legion Baseball plays on Sunny! Join Fast Eddie Walsh as he brings you live coverage of the American Legion State Baseball Championship this weekend at Shower's Field! 7/26--Game One: DuBois loses, 4-3. on Sunny 106 7/27--Game Two: DuBois... Read More.

American Legion Baseball

American Legion Baseball plays on Sunny! Join Fast Eddie Walsh as he brings you live coverage of the American Legion State Baseball Championship this weekend at Shower's Field! 7/26--Game One: DuBois vs TBD at 7:05pm on Sunny 106 7/27--Game... Read More.

American Legion State Championships

American Legion Baseball plays on Sunny! Join Fast Eddie Walsh as he brings you live coverage of the American Legion State Baseball Championship this weekend at Shower's Field! 7/26--Game One: DuBois vs TBD at 7:05pm on Sunny 106 7/27--Game... Read More.