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Marissa Rigatti
Marissa Rigatti
10:00am - 3:00pm

Local Career Fair

DuBois, PA - Penn State DuBois will host a Career Fair at their PAW Center from 1 to 3pm this Wednesday, March 29th.They will have over 60 local and regional vendors on hand offering a variety of job opportunities. Hear more about PSD's Career...

Back to School for Local Students this week

DUBOIS – Monday is “back to school” day for students in DuBois and Punxsutawney. Summer break is over, and students are returning to the classroom in both the DuBois Area and Punxsutawney Area districts, as well as at DuBois Central Catholic and DuBois Christian...

Local Blood Drives

Harrisburg, PA – There are other ways to donate and help, in a variety of ways that will benefit people in the hospital, your friends and neighbors, and our communities.One of the best ways to help is to donate blood!There is a desperate need for...