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Priority First FCU November Community Spotlight Recipient

Jefferson County 4-H serves youth ages 5-18 with a wide array of project-based learning opportunities and projects. Members "learn by doing" (the 4-H slogan) by completing projects such as sewing a garment, baking a cake, and raising an animal, among many other examples. Members...

Priority FCU November Community Spotlight Recipient

Priority FCU November Community Spotlight Recipient is the DuBois Area Jaycees.The DuBois Jaycees is an organization comprised of young working professionals in the local DuBois area. As a group, they host many charitable events, fundraisers, and volunteer in...

Morning Trivia, November 29th

Which rock guitarist did Johnny Depp use as an inspiration for his Jack Sparrow character from Pirates of the Caribbean? Slash Bob Marley Keith RichardsAnswer...Keith Richards!Congrats to Amy Poolke of Punxsy, winner of a medium hot fudge sundae from the Meadow's! 

Morning Trivia, November 26th

How long did the first Thanksgiving celebration last?1 day 2 days 3 daysAnswer... 3 days! It is commonly believed that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in early September by 50 Europeans and 90 Native Americans for a three-day feast!Congrats to George Narvey of...

Morning Trivia, November 25th

When you get to Thanksgiving dinner this week, head straight to the kitchen and double check the meat thermometer on the turkey. According to a new survey, what percentage of people say they've gotten FOOD POISONING from a holiday meal? 10 20 30Answer...22%! Read...

Morning Trivia, November 21st

What was the original flavor of the filling inside a Twinkie? Buttercream Banana Whipped Cream Answer... Banana!Congrats to Mackenzie Hays of Clarion, winner of a medium hot fudge sundae from The Meadow's!

Morning Trivia, November 20th

34 years ago today, in 1985, Microsoft released this first version of their operating system. What was it? Windows MacOS Android Answer... Windows 1.0!Congrats to Bryce Himes of Brockport, winner of a medium hot fudge sundae from The Meadows'!

Morning Trivia, November 19th

156 years ago today, in 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered this famous speech at the dedication of the Civil War cemetery in PA. What famous speech are we talking about? Answer...The Gettysburg Address.Answer...Adam Kriner of Brockway, winner of a medium hot fudge sundae from The...