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Throwback Nation
Throwback Nation
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PA Schools to remain CLOSED for remaining academic year

Harrisburg, PA – Continuing his efforts to protect the health and safety of students and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Tom Wolf today announced that all schools will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 academic year.The governor made the decision in consultation...

PA Schools CLOSED/School Lunch Info

Harrisburg, PA – Although most recently they had been hoping to reopen by April 6, all Pennsylvania schools will now remain closed indefinitely as coronavirus continues to spread in the state.This means that schools and non-life-sustaining businesses will remain closed until they are given the...

All PA Schools CLOSED/What to Expect/Student Lunches

Harrisburg, PA – Do you have questions about what is going to happen while schools are closed for the next two weeks? The Department of Education has released some more details about what to expect.The Department of Education released additional guidance for Pennsylvania schools about...