Traffic Alerts: from 511PA
**Attention Travelers: Due to Winter Storm Quinlan, PennDOT has enacted a 45 MPH Speed Restriction (with CMV's Right Lane Only) on I-79 from I-80 to...
POSTED 2/24/22 AT 7PM
Clearfield, PA – Due to the severity of the winter storm, PennDOT is temporarily restricting certain vehicles on Interstates in north central Pennsylvania.Vehicle restrictions reflect
Clearfield, PA – As winter storm Landon moves through the region, PennDOT is providing an update on roadway restrictions in north central Pennsylvania.The following restrictions are now in effect:Tier 4 restrictions are in effect eastbound and westbound on Interstate 80 fromI-99 at Bellefonte to...
Listen LIVE as we keep you updated for whatever Mother Nature throws at us with local school closings, community cancellations, traffic delays, and more! Whether it’s snow, sleet, freezing rain, or howling winds… we’ve got you covered with daily hour-by-hour updates.Operation Storm Watch is...
Operation Storm Watch has been ACTIVATED!
Listen LIVE as we keep you updated for whatever Mother Nature throws at us with local school closings, community cancellations, traffic delays, and more! Whether it’s snow, sleet, freezing rain, or howling winds…we’ve got you...
Operation Storm Watch has been ACTIVATED!
Listen LIVE as we keep you updated for whatever Mother Nature throws at us with local school closings, community cancellations, traffic delays, and more! Whether it’s snow, sleet, freezing rain, or howling winds…we’ve got you...