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Marissa Rigatti
Marissa Rigatti
10:00am - 3:00pm

Election Info: Where to go, what to bring, what to expect

Presented by Tri-County Insider

Pennsylvania – If you’re planning on voting in person tomorrow, make sure you know where to go and what you might need to bring with you.

You will not need to bring your ID with you unless it’s your first time voting in that precinct or if your name or party affiliation have changed.

However, you’ll want to bring some other things with you this year… your mask, your own ball point pen so you don’t need to share a pen to sign the voter book, and be sure to bring your patience and maybe something to keep you occupied in case lines are long.

Voter turnout is expected to be exceptionally high. That paired with social distancing and building capacity limitations could mean that you’ll wait longer than you have in the past. Be sure to thank the volunteers at your polling place.

Check where your polling place is. You can find it on your voter registration card or by typing in your address at

Polls open at 7 a.m. tomorrow and will remain open until 8 p.m. If you are in line by 8 p.m., you will be allowed to vote, even if your ballot is cast after that.

If you requested a mail-in ballot and have not turned it in, you need to bring it directly to the county elections office. Do not put it in the mail at this point.

If you requested a mail-in ballot but would rather vote in-person instead, you can do that but it will put extra work on elections officials. Be sure to bring your mail-in ballot with you to the polling place. Polling place volunteers will need to call over to the elections office, make sure that you haven’t already voted, and then they will issue you a provisional ballot to use at the polls.

Mail-in ballots cannot start being counted in Pennsylvania until after polls close.

Please expect that we will not know the winners of any races, including the presidential race, the night of the election. It will few days until all votes are counted.

Every vote matters and every vote counts. We will not be announcing a winner until all votes are finalized.