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Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
5:00am - 9:00am

Kids in the Community – Madison McCall

Presented by Kim McDonald: State Farm Insurance

Kim McDonald: State Farm Insurance presents

Kids in the Community

Madison McCall

Madison graduated from DuBois Area High School in 2021.  She is a Honor Roll student, a member of National Honor Society, Student Council and Interact Club.

During the years Madison has participated in volleyball, youth group at her church and has volunteered her time with Special Olympics, American Red Cross and the Humane Society. She has loved spending 5 summers volunteering as a camp counselor at Camp Mantowagon.

In her free time she likes spending time with family and friends. Madison works at Duffer’s Tavern and Treasure Lake pool, beaches and the marina.

Following graduation, Madison will be attending Seton Hill University in the fall to earn her BS/MS Physician Assistant degree.