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Your Local Christmas Station!

Socks For Seniors


DuBois, PA – Feet and hearts were warmed over the holidays thanks to the many people who donated to our Socks for Seniors program with Christ the King Manor and H&R Block. Together, we donated 167 pairs of cozy new socks to residents at the nursing home, plus 30 handmade hats! That’s a new record!

We know that a pair of socks is a small, simple gift… but it’s a way of showing older people that somebody is thinking about them and sending them some love. Vickie Snyder, a resident at Christ the King.

Again, thank you to everyone who donated socks. If you’d like to volunteer, reach out to the people at Christ the King Manor.

Check back later today to hear an interview with Vickie Snyder, a resident at Christ the King, and Robin Badger, who has been working there for 10 years.