Priority Media presents
The Girl Scout’s Phone/Tablet Collection Drive

COVID-19 has created an unfortunate side effect of isolation and loneliness. Mostly seen in the nursing homes, we have grandparents unable to see their children, grandchildren and friends. Facilities have limited resources and many only have a few devices to have FaceTime/ video chats or even in facility Zoom meetings to provide social interaction and stimulation.
The Reynoldsville/Sykesville Girl Scout Ambassador Troop 16409 want to help.
For Christmas, many people have upgraded tablets and cellphones. Many people throw their old device in a box, recycle bin, or sometimes the trash. These devices operate on WIFI. They can be wiped for personal data, and apps like Zoom, Skype, Duo and FaceTime can be used to connect loved ones. We intend to collect, wipe, and setup the devices and distribute them to local nursing homes for increased virtual visits. We already have electronic device sanitizers for this project. Accessories like pop-sockets and stands can be made and donated for ease of use for residents and allow staff to setup video call and Zoom meetings, and return later without issue, and maintain resident privacy and dignity.
Collection sites are at local churches and radio/media offices, including Sunny 106 at 12 West Long Ave in DuBois, to offer security.
Technical support can be available to clear personal data can be offered using social distancing guidelines at designated times and locations at local churches and scout meetings. Most of the scouts have experience clearing phones to factory settings, and additional training can be completed if needed using community resources. This would increase security, and would be verified by the donor.
Communication facilitation and building strong communities and leadership is what the Girl Scouts are all about. We have an opportunity to use technology and our youthful resources to bring human contact and maintain relationships and motivation for our residents during this pandemic.
Device collection will end on Monday 1/18/2021.