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Marissa Rigatti
Marissa Rigatti
10:00am - 3:00pm

Think Don’t Drink


Here’s some tips on how to write a Radio Commercial

Define What You’re Trying to Say before you write.

Write short sentences, they are much easier to read out loud.

Word count of your 20 second message should be between 40 and 50 words. Word count of your 50 second spot should be no more than 150 words.

Please read your script out loud and time your script as you read it.

If you are selected as a finalist, you will be asked to come to the Sunny 106 – Connect FM studios on West Long Avenue in DuBois to record your commercial!


No purchase necessary to enter.

Deadline to turn in entries is October 25th, 2024 at 5pm.

Only the writer of the script is eligible for the prize only.

Absolutely no prize substitution allowed. A list of prizes is available at

Winner must pick up their prize at the radio station Monday through Friday 8 am through 5 pm.

You will need a parental consent form signed to record your ad and claim your prize.

Employees of Priority Media and their immediate families, contest sponsors and immediate families, or any employee of any other radio station may not participate. Any Middle School, High School aged student in the Clearfield, Jefferson or Elk County area is eligible to enter the contest.

Once a winner is identified, no further contestants will be reviewed. All decisions are final.

Priority Media and all associated properties are not liable for any damages incurred through the use or misuse of any prizes provided. All persons receiving such items agree upon acceptance to assume all responsibility and liability.  Further, all associated entities, sponsors and others shall be harmless to the same.


***DISCLAIMER: This program is made possible through a grant funded by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.

The opinions and statements expressed in this advertisement do not necessarily represent the views of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.***