DUBOIS — There may be minor traffic delays in and around DuBois this week.
- CLEARFIELD – One windmill “superload” may cause a traffic delay for you in Clearfield County today. The slow-moving, over-sized transport is scheduled to roll through on the area’s major roadways. According to PennDOT, a windmill power train section will be moved today along the eastbound lanes of Interstate 80 from Falls Creek Exit 97 to Clearfield Exit 120. The load will then travel on Routes 879, 322, and 153. Today’s load is scheduled to make a wrong way maneuver on the Clearfield Bypass. PennDOT says a tower casing section will be transported on Wednesday, and then another power train section on Thursday. Windmill parts and supplies are being moved from the Port of Erie to a location near Tyrone.
- TROUTVILLE – Preliminary work for a bridge replacement project has started along Route 410 near Troutville. PennDOT officials say clearing and grubbing work will take place off the roadway near the 90-year-old bridge than spans Stump Creek. The work to build a temporary roadway is scheduled for the first week of April. At that time, stop and yield signs will be installed to direct traffic across the temporary roadway and avoid the work zone. It is expected that the $1.7 million bridge replacement project will be completed in early November.
- A project in DuBois to replace the waterline on West Weber Avenue from South Brady Street to South Jared Street continues. There will be temporary lane closures and temporary parking restrictions in the area during the project which is expected to continue the next 30 to 60 days. The project is scheduled to finish near the end of March. City officials encourage you to please use alternate travel routes to avoid the work zone