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Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
5:00am - 9:00am

Weekly Tarot Card Reading

Presented by Raven Moon's Oracle

This week’s card is The Journeyman which indicates adventure, independence, travel and polishing of skills.

This card speaks of the need to perfect skills in working and living, but it acknowledges having a sound grounding in the basics. Optimistic, innocent and willing to learn. It also speaks of intuition serving us well- but only if we pay attention to it.

Sometimes, we are operating by theory alone, and our knowledge may or may not be well grounded in reality.

This card does not necessarily refer exclusively to new beginnings, it can also signify a progression along a path, moving into the unknown from the known, a new phase in an ongoing process. This card may also represent untested concepts or ideas, and suggest a need for balance between the intuitive and the rational as one approaches the unknown.

Consider where you are going. What are your long-term goals? What are you doing that is helping you to move towards them?