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Weekly Tarot Card Reading

Presented by Raven Moon's Oracle

This week’s tarot reading involves “Nelys the Alchemyst”. She represents inner transformation, and deep change.

When Nelys turns up in a reading, get ready for things to happen, inwardly and outwardly. The stuck becomes unstuck, the blocked begins to move. You may have to run to keep up with the speed at which the situation around you is moving. You may be surprised by the direction things (and you) are taking. You may find your plans, even your desires and dreams, changing as the transformative process takes place. It might not have been in your plans, but later on you will look back and say, “Wow! It wasn’t what I expected, but it was just what I need!” When we have been through such an intense transformation, we can never go back to what we were before – which is probably just as well.