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Weekly Tarot Card Reading

This week’s tarot reading involves the card, “Arval Parrot”. He is the card of communication and controls the throat chakra.
This is the time to be open and clear with yourself in what you want. Having an internal dialogue with yourself where you are truthful and clearly state what is important to you. Emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Also having clear communication with others is going to be very helpful. If you are working with others in any capacity, you need to listen to each other. Respect what each other is saying enough to give each other the time and focus, and truly listen and communicate with each other. Create a dialogue of respect and understanding. Even if you don’t agree with each other, you still need to listen and focus on what each other is saying. Too many times we have conversations with others and we aren’t truly listening. We are just waiting for the other person to stop talking so we can talk. This creates blockages and doesn’t allow the work that needs to be done, to get done.
Open communication is going to help you on an emotional, physical and spiritual level this week. Listen to others, make sure others are listening to you, and make sure you are listening to yourself. You have some very important things to say. But remember to listen to what’s going on outside of yourself as well. It’s going to be very helpful on your journey.