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Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
5:00am - 9:00am

Weekly Tarot Card Reading

Presented by Raven Moon's Oracle

Raven Moon’s Oracle presents

Your Weekly Tarot Card Reading

This week’s tarot reading involves “Penelope Dreamweaver”, who represents inspiration, magickal dreams, and visions.

Seek visions and inspirations. Be aware they are often subtle and require close attention. Fantasies, dreams, and daydreams are all places an inspiration faerie can contact us, but she can also pop up unannounced in the midst of the most ordinary of activities – in the bath, washing the dishes, driving the car, or anywhere else that our mind is half occupied and half running on idle.  Pay special attention to unsought inspirations at this time. They have something wonderful to offer to you, but it is up to you to catch them and bring them into reality.