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Marissa Rigatti
Marissa Rigatti
10:00am - 3:00pm

Weekly Tarot Card Reading

Presented by Raven Moon's Oracle
This week’s reading includes the card “Iris of the Rainbows” which represents hope, and promise for the future.
Iris tells us that light is breaking through our present darkness, and that hope is a powerful factor in speeding up this process.  She does not promise us that the storm is over, nor does she say that it will never storm again, but she does say that there is brightness and beauty here. She also tells us that there is something to be gained by the passage through the storm. And the sooner we learn what it is, the sooner the storm will end.
Always, a passage through the storm is a time of potential growth, a time to allow the dead wood of our past to be blown away to make room for the green shoots of new growth. At this point, it is useful to ask ourselves what we still need to release, and to look after protecting and nurturing the seeds we have planted.
Iris suggests that the cultivation of patience may also be helpful at this time.