Raven Moon’s Oracle presents
The Weekly Tarot Card Reading
This week’s tarot reading involves “The Soul Shrinker”, who represents malice, gossip, cruelty, and destruction.
Critical and malicious thoughts and words are having a detrimental effect on the situation and the people involved in it. Steps need to be taken to banish this malice energy through love and compassion- or at the very least, through forgiveness and a refusal to accept malice into oneself. Understanding the implications of this and transforming the behavior and feelings involved is a major and often very difficult step in human spiritual development.
One of the things usually involved here is taking responsibility for ourselves and our own feelings rather than blaming others for the way we are. Another part of this process is to learn to be compassionate towards ourselves. If we can do that, it is much easier not to be horrible to and about others.
This doesn’t mean that we are supposed to be all sweetness and light all the time. Constructive criticism, given compassionately, is a part of being real- and reality is a good thing to be in touch with.