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Weekly Tarot Card Reading

Presented by Raven Moon's Oracle

Raven Moon’s Oracle presents

The Weekly Tarot Card Reading

This week’s tarot reading includes “The Laume”, who represents unconditional giving, unconditional receiving.

If you are stuck or blocked in a situation, you probably need to stop focusing on what you are trying to accomplish and simply give to others – freely and generously and unconditionally.
Go do some volunteer work somewhere. Mow your elderly neighbors lawn, or take some homemade soup or some flowers to someone you know is ill. Give some help to a coworker just because they need it. Give to a needy stranger, whether you think he deserves it or not. Take flowers to a hospital and give them to a stranger at random , or give them to a nurse with compliments from the Universe.
Try a few random acts of kindness, unconditionally given, of course. Give a bit more than you think you can afford, go a little further than you think you reasonably can. Empty your wallet of all your cash for a beggar on the street. Don’t worry – it will fill up again much faster than you might expect.
The purpose is to refocus from what is not moving in your own personal life and extend that energy in helping  others. If you unconditionally give, then you will unconditionally receive when the time is right for you.