UPDATE 10/06/2022: CLEARFIELD- Four more windmill “superloads” will be rolling through Clearfield County Thursday, so expect possible lengthy traffic delays on some major roadways. PennDOT says four different loads of windmill blades and tower parts will be traveling Interstate 80 from Falls Creek Exit 97 to Clearfield Exit 120, then onto Routes 879, 322 and 153. As part of the transport today, there will be wrong way movement on the Clearfield Bypass, Route 879. These “superloads” are being moved from the Port of Erie to a location near Tyrone in Blair County.
UPDATED 10/5/2022: CLEARFIELD – Another windmill “superload” is expected to travel Clearfield County’s major roadways today, and it could cause traffic delays. According to PennDOT, a load of windmill power-train parts will be moving east on Interstate 80 from Falls Creek Exit 97 to Clearfield Exit 120, then onto Routes 879, 322 and 153. A wrong way maneuver will happen on Route 879, the Clearfield Bypass, and on Route 322 as part of today’s transport. Windmill “superloads” will continue their path through Clearfield County for the next month as they are moved from the Port of Erie to a location near Tyrone.
UPDATE: 10/3/2022: CLEARFIELD – There are three more windmill “superloads” expected to travel through on Clearfield County’s major roadways today, and that could create lengthy traffic delays. According to PennDOT, the latest loads of windmill blades and tower parts will be moving east on Interstate 80 from Falls Creek Exit 97 to Clearfield Exit 120, then onto Routes 879, 322 and 153. Wrong way movement on Route 879, the Clearfield Bypass, can again be expected as part of today’s transport. These windmill “superloads” are being moved from the Port of Erie to a location near Tyrone in Blair County.
UPDATE 9/29/22: CLEARFIELD – Lengthy traffic delays will be possible again today as three more windmill “superloads” will be rolling through on Clearfield County’s major roadways. PennDOT says the latest loads of windmill blades and tower parts will be traveling Interstate 80 from Falls Creek Exit 97 to Clearfield Exit 120, then onto Routes 879, 322 and 153. Once again as part of the transport today, there will be wrong way movement on the Clearfield Bypass, Route 879. These “superloads” are being moved from the Port of Erie to a location near Tyrone in Blair County.
UPDATE 9/28/22: CLEARFIELD – Four more windmill “superloads” will be rolling through Clearfield County Thursday, so expect possible lengthy traffic delays on some major roadways. PennDOT says four different loads of windmill blades and tower parts will be traveling Interstate 80 from Falls Creek Exit 97 to Clearfield Exit 120, then onto Routes 879, 322 and 153. As part of the transport today, there will be wrong way movement on the Clearfield Bypass, Route 879. These “superloads” are being moved from the Port of Erie to a location near Tyrone in Blair County.
CLEARFIELD – Some lengthy traffic delays are possible Monday and Tuesday (9/26-27) on some major Clearfield County roadways as several windmill “superloads” travel through the area.
PennDOT says four different loads of windmill blades and tower parts will be traveling Interstate 80 from Falls Creek Exit 97 to Clearfield Exit 120, then onto Routes 879, 322 and 153 on both days. Tuesday, there will be wrong way movement on the Clearfield Bypass, Route 879.
These “superloads” are being moved from the Port of Erie to a location near Tyrone in Blair County.