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Marty McMillen
Marty McMillen
2:00pm - 7:00pm

DuBois High School closed for Covid cleaning March 17-19, still have remote learning

Presented by Swift Kennedy Insurance

DuBois, PA – The DuBois Area High School will be closed for deep cleaning for the next three days because of the number of positive COVID-19 within the school in a rolling 14-day period.

On March 17, 18 and 19, all High School instructional and instructional support staff will facilitate and support instruction through Google Classroom. All High School students will follow their daily schedule and participate in their classes as scheduled remotely.

Breakfast and lunch for the next three days for all interested students will be sent home with students today.

They will reopen and resume class on Monday, March 22.


The DuBois Area High School was just informed of their 7th confirmed case of COVID-19 within a rolling 14-day window. As recommended by the CDC, this is within the threshold to necessitate a temporary closure on March 17, March 18 and March 19 for deep cleaning.

Through the PA Department of Health contact tracing protocol; today, we identified individuals that had been in close contact with the confirmed individuals and immediately notified these individuals of their need to quarantine.

On March 17, 18 and 19, all High School instructional and instructional support staff will facilitate and support instruction through Google Classroom. All High School students will follow their daily schedule and participate in their classes as scheduled remotely.

Chromebooks have been provided to all students and hotspots have been provided to families that lack internet access in their homes. If your student has technology needs, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (814) 299-4866.

Breakfast and lunch for all interested High School students for the next three days will be provided to students prior to dismissal today.

The High School will reopen for in-person instruction on Monday, March 22, 2021.