DuBois Little League All Stars Presented By Staar Trucking!
Listen as Sunny 106 and Connect FM broadcast select games from the DuBois Little League All Stars!
Upcoming Games
June 24th-DuBois 11 and 12 year old boys vs Brockway…DuBois wins, 19-4!
June 26th-DuBois 11-12 year old boys vs Brookville…DuBois wins, 4-1!
July 3rd- DuBois Junior Boys vs Punxsy on Sunny 106.
DuBois Little League All Stars is brought to you locally by
Penn Highlands
Carlson Auto Repair
Bucks Pizza
Matheson Valley Gases
The City of DuBois
Johnson Motors
Service Unlimited
Sandy Township
Royer’s 322 Auto Sales