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Leap Year Festivities in DuBois


Leap into 2020 this week!

Join the Downtown DuBois Revitalization Group Wednesday, February 26th-29th for “Leap Year” festivities in DuBois! Stop by Hockman Candy and/or Two Birch Winery to have your photo taken with their “Leap Year” products for the chance to win a “Leap Year” basket full of prizes from local downtown DuBois businesses!

Learn more about this “Leap Year” event on the Downtown DuBois Revitalization Facebook page here.

DuBois, Pa – Starting Wednesday and until this weekend, businesses throughout Downtown DuBois will have some special sales and the chance to win great prizes for Leap Day!

There’s also a selfie contest at Two Birch Winery and Hockman Candy with purchase of product for the chance to win a leap day gift basket.

Leap into Downtown DuBois on Feb. 26-29 with a selfie contest at sponsors Two Birch Winery and Hockman Candy with purchase of product, a chance to win leap day gift basket, and sales and specials at your favorite downtown retail outlets!

Check out the event on Facebook: Leap Year 2020

Celebrate Leap Year 2020 with us! Keep checking this page for downtown business specials for February 26-29

*Enter the photo contest. Rules are simple…buy a bottle of Leap Year wine at Two Birch Winery or a bag of Leap Year popcorn at Hockman Candy, snap a selfie at either shop with your purchase, post to this event page, share…now you’re eligible to win a gift basket valued at over $150!

*Park in the Washington Avenue public parking lot (behind former Don Patron’s or Tommy D’s) for easiest parking. Sponsored by Two Birch Winery, Hockman Candy and Downtown DuBois Inc.