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Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
Murphy, Sam, and Jodi
5:00am - 9:00am

Weekly Tarot Card Reading


This week’s tarot card is “Unity”. This card speaks of union, mystical experience and spiritual home.

Unity is asking us to remember the mystical concept that we are all one, unified in a holistic universe.

It reminds us to look at the needs and the goals we have in common with others, and to seek cooperation and community rather than attempting to do everything on our own. To achieve our goals, we need the active cooperation of others; and to get  that cooperation, we must be helpful to them and willing to work with their ideas as well as our own.   It suggests that we think of things in terms of equal partnerships rather than lines of authority.

Unity also tells us that we have much to gain by remembering our own wholeness. Resolution of inner conflict is often necessary before we move ahead. It is important at this time that we work toward cooperation and reconciliation, within and without. Seek the highest good of all involved- not merely your idea of highest good. Ask for divine energy of Unity to permeate and guide you.