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Weekly Tarot Card Reading, July 30th


This week’s reading involves the card, “The Rarr”


He speaks of wild energy and pure potential. Both within us and around us. It’s very important to understand that we are responsible for how we utilize this energy. We have to be mindful that with great power, comes great responsibility.

If not used properly this energy can cause chaos within us that could lead to anxiety, or built up frustrations. However, if we understand that we must release this energy towards building positivity in our lives, then things will progress and flow more easily.

This energy can be used for good or bad, it depends on our conscious decision of how to utilize this energy. So be especially attentive to what you are doing with your energy and intentions. Don’t get carried away by the Rarr’s bouncy enthusiasm, but do take advantage of the energy. You can accomplish a great deal with the energy being made available to you. This is a good time. Remember to stay grounded during this time of high energy. Breath and center yourself. Be clear about your objectives and then go for them.