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Weekly Tarot Card Reading, September 17th





This week’s reading gives us the card, “ The Maiden”

The Maiden signifies auspicious beginnings, birth, growth, joy, and hope.

When she shows up it signifies new beginnings and growth. You couldn’t ask for a more perfect card than this if you are beginning something new. Spontaneity, joy, growth, exhilaration, and promise for the future are signified here., We must note also that, in the early stages of any process, there is vulnerability and a need for protection, shelter, and guidance. There is a need to trust the process, but take care of the details as well.

The Maiden is also the inner child who needs to be under the supervision of a competent inner adult in order for her to feel secure and loved. She is not happy when we spoil her. Consider what is growing in your life. Make a list of your hopes, dreams, and plans. Look for the growth within you, and think about how you can cherish and nurture that. Bless the growth you see around you.